Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Our cutting-edge technology and diverse team of trainers and inclusive coaches will provide affordable large-scale development opportunities for boosting employees’ sense of belonging, effectiveness, career growth, retention, and more. Our programs are explicitly designed to ensure long-term and ongoing success by providing a vetted framework for true cultural transformation.


Employees engage with their communities and have a direct line to escalate critical issues to leaders.

People leaders develop best-in-class leadership, team-building, and decision-making

Executives understand how inclusion plays out in the workforce to make the right strategic decisions.

Organizations ensure lasting transformation by leveraging existing DEI programs and enabling nascent champions of change.


Step Methodology

Identify –

An organizational network analysis is conducted to identify unconscious biases, the impacted employees, and the key people leaders who make the greatest difference.

Engage –

Kim, our AI-driven Virtual Assistant, is an always-available resource for employees to voice their needs. She intelligently deep dives into actionable issues, routes to the right internal resources, and escalates issues as necessary to people leaders.

Solve –

People leaders can access expert DEI consultants for education, training and coaching. They proactively monitor Kim’s insights so they are enabled to take the right actions and make the right decisions.

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