Employee Retention

Healthcare is now confronted with an unparalleled, dire situation of high turnover and rising labor costs.  Senior leaders are unable to transform the environment. Healthcare executives struggle, having to look into numerous metrics in order to decide which plans are worth pursuing. Our platform, however, eliminates the difficulty and levels the playing field by converting a veritable ocean of data into swift, effective intelligence that can be put into practice to maximize return on investment.

Our 3-Step Process

Driven by cutting-edge technology and healthcare experts, we give a voice to all of your healthcare staff and 

create a Culture of Continuous Improvement.

Step 1: Identity who's at risk of leaving...

Hospitals possess an abundance of data, yet the task of discovering valuable insights proves difficult. By integrating present data (e.g., HCAHPS, engagement surveys) with knowledge gained on informal organizational networks, we can expose the trends that foster successful teams. Furthermore, we are able to unearth the catalysts of turnover, detect personnel at a vulnerable point, and recognize the influential people leaders who can drastically improve retention.

Step 2: Engage to better understand the issues and Solve...

The typical healthcare organization takes 1.5 – 2 years to understand then react to critical staff needs. Our AI-Platform engages in one-on-one targeted conversations with frontline staff to understand evolving team issues and crowdsource solutions in real-time. We stay continuously engaged and empower staff to talk about the issues that matter most to them. By giving a voice to all staff and probing to learn more about critical issues, we enable significantly faster issue-to-action lifecycles. Based on the abundance of insights gathered, our healthcare experts develop the right recommendations and strategies to maximize value and ROI.

Step 3: Sustain the learning and Transform...

Using our AI-Platform, we continuously reach out to leaders and staff, reinforcing the learnings in the flow of work, and continuing to gain insight into new issues that need to be addressed. Through this, we are able to overcome the forgetting curve and dramatically increase learning retention. We also nudge leaders to take the actions required to address critical team needs. All maximizing the value and focusing on your highest ROI.

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